How to Use the Tibet Almond Stick: 6 Easy Steps Guide

The Tibet Almond Stick is a popular product known for its ability to remove surface scratches and blemishes from wood surfaces. In this guide, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on effectively using the Tibet Almond Stick to restore the beauty of your wooden furniture and fixtures.

Whether you have minor scratches, white heat rings, water spots, or other surface imperfections, the Tibet Almond Stick can be a handy solution. Join us as we explore this unique restoration tool’s simple and effective process.

Step 1: Preparation

Before using the Tibet Almond Stick, ensure the surface you want to treat is clean and free from dust or debris. Wipe down the area using a soft, lint-free cloth to remove loose particles.

Step 2: Rubbing the Stick

Take the Tibet Almond Stick out of its packaging and remove the protective cap. Gently rub the stick in a circular motion over the scratched or damaged area of the wood. Apply light pressure and continue rubbing until you see the scratch begin to diminish.

Step 3: Blending the Oil

Once you have rubbed the stick over the damaged area, pause to allow the natural oils in the stick to blend with the wood’s surface. This blending process helps to restore the color and luster of the wood.

Step 4: Buffing 

Using a clean, soft cloth, gently buff the treated area in circular motions. The buffing action helps to evenly distribute the oils and further blend them into the wood’s surface. Continue buffing until you achieve a smooth and glossy finish.

Step 5: Assessing the Results 

Step back and inspect the treated area to evaluate the results. Minor scratches and imperfections will often be significantly diminished or completely eliminated. You can repeat the process for deeper or more stubborn scratches if necessary.

Step 6: Maintenance

It is important to follow proper maintenance practices to maintain the restored appearance of your wood surfaces. Regularly dust and clean your wooden furniture with a soft cloth, and avoid placing hot or wet objects directly on the surface. Additionally, applying a protective wood polish or wax can help to prolong the effects of the Tibet Almond Stick treatment.

How to Use the Tibet Almond Stick


The Tibet Almond Stick provides a convenient and effective solution for restoring the beauty of your wooden furniture and fixtures. Following the step-by-step guide outlined above, you can confidently use this remarkable restoration tool to diminish scratches and blemishes on your wood surfaces.

Remember to exercise caution, perform a patch test on a small inconspicuous area before treating larger surfaces, and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. With proper care and maintenance, your wood surfaces can maintain their natural beauty and charm for years to come.

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